2019 Colchester, Rutland, & St. Johnsbury Vets Town Halls in the press
2019 was our third year in Chittenden County (and the year we moved from Contois to McCarthy Arts Center at Saint Michael’s College). Community College of Vermont again hosted a Vets Town Hall in Rutland, and added a location in Saint Johnsbury.
Coverage of the 11/3/19 events:
- WCAX Channel 3: Veterans share stories and memories with community
- CCV NOW: Giving Back: Veterans Town Halls encourage sharing and listening
- Colchester Sun: Veterans share intimate stories at town hall (also in the St. Albans Messenger)
- VTDigger: Vermont’s veterans share stories at town halls across the state
- Mountain Times: Veterans share war experiences
Interviews with the event hosts:
- 22/44’s What Matters This Week: Jon Turner and Kyle Aines Part 1 and Part 2
- WDEV’s Dave Gram Show: November 1 episode
Pre-event coverage:
- Seven Days: Firsthand Accounts p. 47
- Rutland Herald: Veterans to speak about experiences at three town halls
- VTDigger: Veterans to share stories at town hall events
- Colchester Sun: Veterans Town Hall coming to Colchester
- Mountain Gazette: Veterans to share stories at town hall events
- Essex Reporter: Veterans invited to share stories at area town hall meetings
- Newfane News: Veterans to share stories at town hall event in Rutland
- The Caledonian Record: Veterans to share stories at town hall events
- Vermont Business Magazine: Veterans to share stories at town hall events