Spread the word
Your help getting the word out makes a huge difference! Here are some ways to do that:
Email any colleagues, friends, and family who might be interested in attending this event a link to the vtvetstownhall.org and a note that you would love to see them there.
Print out the poster, and hang it at your workplace, local businesses, etc.
Here it is for normal letter-sized paper, and here’s the 11″ by 17″ version.
If you’d like hard copies to hang up, get in touch here.
Invite your neighbors to register and save the date on your local Front Porch Forum.
Write to your elected officials to encourage them to attend. (Find your legislator here.)
Share these events on social media. You can find them listed on Facebook here. Please join and invite friends!
Do you know a press contact who might be interested in covering Vets Town Halls? Point them towards the press kit, here.
Are you part of a social club that might be interested in attending a Vets Town Hall? Connect with Kristen at vermont@vetstownhall.org.
Donate something for the refreshments table
We like to offer snacks to speakers and attendees, to make sure everyone feels welcome. Is there something you’d like to donate? Please email Kristen at vermont@vetstownhall.org. (We’re currently seeking snacks for our Colchester event.)
Volunteer at the event itself
For each event, we may need volunteers to help with welcoming attendees, check-in, time-keeping, keeping the refreshments table stocked, and sometimes set-up. Please email Kristen at vermont@vetstownhall.org if you’d like to help, or have any questions!
Would you like to see a Vets Town Hall happen in your hometown?
Each Vets Town Hall is spearheaded by a local individual or organization. If you think that might be you, get in touch with Kristen at vermont@vetstownhall.org. (You won’t be going it alone! Vetstownhall.org provides resources for local organizers, and Kristen is available to help you establish your event and to support your efforts.)
Make a financial donation
Vets Town Hall is a small national nonprofit based here in Vermont. We directly organize events in Vermont, and work with individuals and organizations across the country to facilitate Vets Town Halls to other states. Help us keep our programming sustainable, expand outreach, and start new initiatives like Family Vets Town Halls (where family members of veterans are invited to speak) by making a donation here.