At a Vets Town Hall, veterans of any era who served in any capacity are invited to stand before their community and speak for up to ten minutes about what it was like to serve their country. Non-veterans are encouraged to attend and listen. These events are non-political, and all perspectives are valued. There will be no debate on American foreign policy. We will simply listen and learn about what it was like to serve in the wars that this nation has chosen to fight. Here are our upcoming fall 2024 events:

For non-veterans (and all attendees)

All community members are invited. Only veterans will speak, but non-veterans are encouraged to attend and listen. Throughout the event, you may hear something you agree or disagree with. You may have a question. Or you may want to say encouraging words with the intention to help. However, we ask that you please refrain from responding. We are simply here to listen and learn about what it was like to serve in the wars that this nation has chosen to fight.

Curious about how you can help? Check back soon!

For speakers

Tell us what your service means to you. Please tell us about your own experiences, whatever they may be, rather than speaking broadly about an issue or organization. You’re a member of our community, and it’s your stories, reflections, and insights that we’re anxious to hear. If you’re interested in speaking but aren’t sure what to speak about, click here for some questions that can serve as starting points. Each veteran will be given up to 10 minutes to speak. Veterans who would like to speak can mark that preference when registering. If you’re considering speaking but prefer not to register, we encourage you to attend. After pre-registered speakers go, the host will take speakers from the floor, time permitting. The goal is for every veteran who would like to speak to have a chance to do so. Of course, veterans (and all community members) are also welcome to simply attend and listen.

Thank you

Thank you to the many supporters who help make these events happen. Community partners for the Fall 2024 events include:
General: Vermont Veterans Outreach Program, Vermont Humanities, Vets Town Hall, Cabot Cheese, Community College of Vermont
Bristol: Jon Turner, Bristol Social Justice Discussion Group, Bristol Recreation Department, the Lawrence Memorial Library
Rutland: Kyle Aines, Godnick Adult Center, Rutland Young Professionals, Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1, Vermont Adaptive
Brattleboro: American Legion Post 5, American Legion Post 5 Tuesday Coffee Hour
Colchester: Jon Turner, Saint Michael’s College Military Community Services and Student Veterans Association
South Royalton: Sean Braunstein, Don Hayes, Vermont Law & Graduate School
St. Johnsbury: Marty McMahon, Catamount Arts

If you’d like to organize a Vets Town Hall in your hometown, support and resources are available. Please contact Kristen at to find out more.

Vets Town Halls were originated by author Sebastian Junger (War, Tribe) with the aim of increasing communication and understanding between veterans and civilians in their communities. The first event of this kind in Vermont was held in November 2017 in Burlington.

Please also don’t hesitate to get in touch with Kristen at with any questions or suggestions.

These events are supported in part by the Vermont Humanities. (Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Vets Town Hall, Vermont Humanities or any other supporting organization.)