VTH speaker Maureen Dwyer and emcee Jon Turner on Vermont Edition

VTH speaker Maureen Dwyer and emcee Jon Turner on Vermont Edition

Vermont Edition’s Mikaela Lefrak interviewed Vietnam veterans Maureen Dwyer and Perry Melvin on Veterans Day 2024. This episode focuses on Dwyer’s and Melvin’s experiences in Vietnam, and Maureen also shares her experiences speaking at Vets Town Halls. Towards the end of the episode, Vets Town Hall emcee and board member Jon Turner discusses our programming….

2023 Vets Town Hall recap & press coverage

2023 Vets Town Hall recap & press coverage

Six Vets Town Halls took place throughout the year – twice as many as in 2022 – including first events in South Burlington (in the spring), Bradford, Brattleboro, and South Royalton; our fifth year in Rutland, and our sixth year in Colchester/Burlington. Thank you to these publications for helping to get the word out! 2023’s…

ABC22: Veterans and families share experiences at town hall

ABC22: Veterans and families share experiences at town hall

Colchester, VT– Veterans and families of veterans gathered on St. Michael’s campus at the ‘Family Vets Town Hall’ where attendees shared their experiences. Veterans typically share stories at the town hall events, but Sunday was the first day that family members of veterans were invited to speak as well. Read more.

Addison Independent: Bristol Vet helps give his comrades a voice

Addison Independent: Bristol Vet helps give his comrades a voice

The fledgling national organization will provide support to local organizers and host a calendar of events at vetstownhall.org, with the goal of helping to establish annual Vets Town Halls in every state — and eventually in every community — in the United States. The organization also directly coordinates Vets Town Halls here in Vermont. Junger…

VTDigger: Bestselling author Sebastian Junger registers nonprofit for veterans in Vermont

VTDigger: Bestselling author Sebastian Junger registers nonprofit for veterans in Vermont

Sebastian Junger, bestselling author and co-director of the Afghanistan war documentary “Restrepo,” has launched a nonprofit organization — registered in Vermont — that aims to connect veterans and non-veterans through community events.  The organization, called Vets Town Hall, will provide resources for any person or organization who wants to host a gathering where attendees can…